Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Notes on Moringa Olifeira

                                       Moringa Notes

Moringa The Best Toxin Cleanser
Phyto-Therapy research on Moringa and Liver Disease

The main causes of liver disease are :
1. viral infection
2. hepatotoxic chemicals such as ~
3. ethyl alcohol
4. peroxides (particularly peroxidized edible oil)
5. toxins in food (especially aflatoxins)
6. pharmaceuticals (mainly antibiotics, chemo therapeutics and CNS-active drugs)
7. environmental pollutants

Although such hepatotoxins induced liver lesions may be reversed in the early stages, they cannot be healed only by removal of the toxins after critical periods, highlighting the need for effective remedies for liver diseases.
Moringa Tea that have been long used for their curative effects on liver disorders in traditional medicine around the world have revealed their unique potential to pharmacological investigation.
Research into these tree has resulted in the isolation of a number of active principles, including dramatically anti-hepatotoxic constituents.
The reasons for introducing Moringa Tea research findings here is to illustrate the way in which such science is proving to itself what herbalists already know.
The importance of botanical accuracy is highlighted here. Historically Moringa has been used in Europe as a liver tonic and current Phytotherapy indicates its use in a whole range of liver and gall bladder conditions including hepatitis and cirrhosis. It may also have value in the treatment of chronic uterine problems. A wealth of research done in Germany is revealing exciting data about reversal of toxic liver damage as well as protection from potential hepatotoxic agents. A number of chemical components of Moringa are now being shown to have this protective effect on liver cells. They are all flavones and flavo-lignins, the flavones often grouped together as silymarin.
In laboratory tests a range of effects have been demonstrated including ~
1. Silymarin reduced the harmful actions on the liver of hepatotoxins such as carbon tetrachloride, thioacetamide, a-amanitin and phalloidin.
2. A protective effect against carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage in rats.
3. A reduction of the prolongation of hexobarbital sleeping time produced by carbon tetrachloride.This is a common method for assessing protective effects on the liver against the effects of chemical toxins. Hexobarbital causes a consistent pattern of sleep in the unfortunate experimental animals, and any change in sleep time reflects some disturbance of the liver ability to metabolize the sedative. An increase in sleeping time implies impairment of the livers ability to metabolize the hexobarbital. Carbon tetrachloride produces such a change. When Moringa tea is added the increase in sleeping time normally produced by the carbon tetrachloride is reduced by up to 60%, suggesting that the moringa is protecting liver function from the toxin.
4. Prevention of the inhibition of hepatic metabolism of p-oxyphenylpyruvic acid (OPH) caused by carbon tetrachloride. This chemical is metabolized exclusively in the liver during the degradation of tyrosine. Any unmetabolized OPH is excreted in the urine, thus, its level in the urine increases following the administration of a liver toxin. Substances that counteract the toxin bring urine OPH levels back to normal. Histological studies of the liver reveal how much structural damage has occurred. The histological finds from carbon tetrachloride poisoning is very similar to that of hepatitis, and it increases OPH levels in the urine dramatically. Moringa significantly counteracts the effects of the carbon tetrachloride, so much so, that the results are almost indistinguishable from controls.
5. Carbon tetrachloride raises serum levels of enzymes such as glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT) and sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH), but under treatment with moringa these increases were significantly diminished.
6. The hepatotoxic salts of such rare earth metals as praseodymium, indium and cerium cause necrosis and fatty degeneration in the liver. Pretreatment with Moringa reduces or prevented this altogether.

The researchers suggest a number of possible mechanism ~
* it facilitates a more rapid elimination of the metals from the body
* it stimulates the formation of metal-binding proteins which detoxify the metals
* it may inhibit the binding of these metals with cells at receptor sites
* it partially counteracts alcohol damage to the liver.
* mitochondrial changes caused by ethanol are almost completely prevented by moringa.
* ethanol increases malondialdehyde formation and spontaneous chemiluminescence in the rat liver.

Moringa has an extraordinary hepato-protective effect, blocking damage from the toxins of the Avenging Angel mushroom Amanita phalloides, phalloidin and a-amanitin. It has both protective and curative effects on survival time and death rate of mice after administration of a-amanitin, also antagonizing the toxicity of phalloidin.
It inhibits the loss of weight observed in poisoned animals. Animals fed sub-lethal doses of amanitine lose weight very rapidly and gain it back very slowly. Animals fed a combination of amanitine and Moringa lose weight much more slowly and gain it back much more rapidly. It greatly increased life-span in the poisoned animals. When administered later than 20 minutes after poisoning, it was no longer possible to detect any anti-hepatotoxic effect, suggesting that Moringa prevents penetration of the toxins by competing for the same receptor sites on cell membranes.
Moringa’s Cellular mechanisms
Such impressive effect upon toxic damage to liver cells is probably due to a combination of two main mechanisms:

1. an alteration of cell membranes, such that only small amounts of toxins may penetrate into the cell;
2. an acceleration of protein synthesis, thus stimulating cell regeneration.

Mechanisms that may explain the inhibition of ethanol induced changes by moringa include scavenging of free radicals and increases levels of both reduced and oxidized glutathione.
Clinical Research.
This remarkable moringa herb has therapeutic effects, not only in toxic and metabolic liver damage, but also in liver diseases. Clinical trials have replicated the laboratory evidence of its ability to reverse many liver disorders from acute viral hepatitis to cirrhosis. It stimulates hepatocytes to replace diseased tissue. The liver can regenerate but this innate ability slows or stops altogether when infected or damaged by alcohol or other drugs.

Clinical indicators of improvement in the health of the liver include:
* assessment of general condition, appetite, epigastric discomfort, enlargement and consistency of the liver,
* blood plasma tests.
* changes in membrane permeability are deduced from measurements of glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT), glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), lactic acid dehydrogenase (LDH), sorbitol dehydrogenase, and gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT);
* membranotropic properties and the excretory functions of the liver are assessed through measurements of bilirubin, LAP, gamma-GT, alkaline phosphatase, and bromethalein;
* synthesizing ability is assessed through prothrombin, triglycerides, and cholesterin;
* measurements of mesenchymic activity include clotting factors, alpha, beta and gamma globulin, immunoglobulins IgA, and IgG.

Clinical studies have demonstrated its value in therapy ~
One study involved 129 patients and a control group of 56 for a period of about one month. Their conditions included toxic-metabolic liver damage, fatty degeneration of the liver for various reasons, and chronic hepatitis. Moringa markedly changed both subjective and objective symptoms, brought a return to normal enzymatic activities, and improved digestive disorders. Enlarged livers diminished substantially in volume. A 50% regression in pathological symptoms, versus 25% in controls, occurred. No cases of intolerance, side effects, or allergic reactions were observed.
In a double-blind study, serum bilirubin, GOT, and GPT in 28 patients treated with moringa were compared with those in 29 patients treated with a placebo. The moringa treated group were more improved than those in the control group after the 5th day of treatment. The number of patients having attained normal values after 3 weeks treatment was higher in the moringa-treated group than in the control group.
o Toxic damage was tested in 33 patients treated with moringa. The parameters GOT, GPT, and g-glutamyltranspeptidase (g-GTP) were improved significantly by moringa, sometimes returning to normal in a much shorter time than in the control group.
o 106 patients with liver disease, mostly induced by alcohol, were selected on the basis of elevated serum transaminase levels and randomly allocated into the moringa-treated and control groups. Decreases of serum GPT and GOT in the treated group were statistically significant over those of the controls.
o in chronic liver disease, moringa prevented the decrease of seralbumin from 3 months of therapy to the end of the study. The histopathological findings of focal necrosis and fibrosis were also much improved. Moringa proved to be beneficial in the parameters of parenchymal disorders, intralobular mesenchymal reaction, and fibrosis.
o Long-term treatment with moringa on chronic hepatopathies caused by psycho-pharmaceuticals resulted in significant improvements in the liver function parameters such as GOT, GPT, and BSP during treatment.
o two cases of food poisoning caused by flagellates responded very rapidly to moringa, showing subjective, biochemical and histological improvements.
Therapeutic indications
This wonderful plant is effective in many types of liver disease. The clinical findings highlight such problems as :

o toxic/metabolic liver disease (including both alcohol & drug induced forms),
o acute viral hepatitis,
o chronic-persistent hepatitis,
o chronic-aggressive hepatitis,
o cirrhosis of the liver,
o fatty degeneration of the liver,

The best results are found in toxic-metabolic hepatitis and cirrhosis. It shortens the course of viral hepatitis and minimizes post hepatitis complications and also protects the liver against problems resulting from liver surgery. This all goes to make it is an excellent remedy to use in the prevention and treatment of many liver disorders. The earlier treatment is commenced the better the prognosis, but effective treatment is possible at virtually every stage. Moringa arrests the course of these diseases as well as stimulating hepatocyte regeneration.
Over time, complete restoration of the liver is possible, with regeneration at four times the normal rate. Many psychopharmacologic drugs and agents are detoxified by the liver. The cumulative effect of drug use on the liver can be devastating. Thus Moringa should be taken by people who want or need to take such drugs. It has been shown to prevent liver damage caused by such drugs.
This all suggest that taking Moring regularly will provide protection to either the sick or healthy liver during the course of daily life. By stabilizing cell membranes, by encouraging the regeneration of cells destroyed during the normal detoxification process, Moringa provides the liver and the body with the ability to cope with the deleterious effects of daily encounters with air- water- and food-borne toxins. Using Moringa daily, and combining it with other hepatics, offers an effective and safe approach to liver protection. 

Moringa as Potent Antioxidant: Protection Against Damaging Free Radicals

Oxidants, also known as free radicals, can cause serious damage to the body through the breakdown of cells. This breakdown can weaken the immune system and may be responsible for causing cataracts, some forms of cancer, arthritis, heart disease and other physical ailments; free radicals can cause accelerated aging of cells and physical systems as well. Free radicals are the result of oxygen reacting chemically with cells in the body during the breakdown of food or other substances. These chemical compounds can damage the DNA structures of other cells, creating mutations that can cause significant alterations to the cells and may serve as precursors to cancerous growths within the body.
Antioxidants can help to protect against this damage by breaking down free radicals into their constituent parts or chemically bonding with these harmful substances and removing them from the physical system. While the body naturally synthesizes some antioxidant enzymes including catalase and glutathione, other antioxidant materials are derived from dietary sources. Beta carotene and Vitamins A, E and C are considered to be among the most beneficial antioxidants in terms of controlling and eliminating free radicals from the body. Many antioxidant substances work to eliminate free radicals independently while others act as helpers in the process; for instance, Vitamin C acts directly to break down free radical compounds in the bloodstream, while selenium works with gluthathione to create enzymes capable of breaking down hydrogen peroxide into safe and manageable substances within the body. The Moringa oleifera tree, colloquially known as the drumstick tree, is an outstanding dietary source of antioxidants and provides a significant portion of the daily recommended allowances of beta carotene and other vitamins and nutrients that work to cleanse free radicals from the tissues and bloodstream. The antioxidant properties of the seeds, seed pods and leaves of the moringa plant can protect the body against the damaging effects of free radicals and may help to reduce the risk of certain cancers. Additionally, the plant can help keep cells healthier and prevent premature aging. A study by Nambiar, Guin, Parnami and Daniel published in 2010 in the Journal of Herbal Medicine and Toxicology (Read full research) showed that the antioxidant properties of moringa leaves can be highly beneficial for overweight individuals and those who have high levels of lipids in their systems. These hyperlipidemic patients showed reductions in the amounts of fatty materials in their bloodstreams; the reduction in cholesterol levels produced by the antioxidants in moringa leaves may help to protect against coronary disease and other damaging circulatory ailments.
Combined with the highly nutritive composition of moringa leaves and seeds, the high levels of antioxidant substances in the plant can provide superior health benefits and protection against the effects of free radicals on the body. While the antioxidant benefits of moringa leaves and seed pods are especially important in parts of the world where other types of healthy food are scarce, moringa can provide significant benefits as a dietary supplement even in technologically advanced societies. By incorporating these healthy products into everyday nutritional choices, individuals can enjoy the antioxidant benefits of moringa while continuing their normal diets.

1. What IS Moringa?
Moringa is an edible tropical tree, known all over the world by many different names. It is called "The Miracle Tree" - with good reason, "The Horseradish Tree" - due to its taste, "The Drumstick Tree" - because of its pods. People eat its leaves, its flowers, blossoms and pods.
2.Why is Moringa called the “Miracle Tree”?
Moringa leaves and pods when taken in regularly, will nourish the body with necessary Vitamins and Minerals. All parts of the Moringa tree including leaves, pods, bark, seed , fruits and root has medicinal value. Hence, it was called the ‘Miracle Tree.’

3. Why should I eat Moringa?
Well, in this day of "instant everything", it is difficult to get raw, vital enzymes, vitamins, and minerals into your body. Moringa leaves contain INTENSE nutrition, and proportionately they pack more Vitamin C than citrus, more Vitamin A than spinach, and a whole lot more. They are one of the rare things that vegetarians can eat, that will supply all of the essential amino acids that your body needs, and a whole lot more that are considered to be non-essential to life. Adding Moringa to your diet is one way to insure a daily dose of intense nutrition, in an enjoyable-to-eat form.
4. What does Moringa taste like?
Raw Moringa leaves, have a slight "bite", reminiscent of watercress or radish. Served up with a touch of butter, garlic, and salt, it is an epicurian delight
5.What are the Vitamins and Minerals present in Moringa?
Vitamin A (Alpha and Beta Carotene), B,B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, Folate (Folic Acid), Biotin and much more.

Calcium, Chloride, Chromium, Copper, Fluorine, Iron, Manganese, Magnesium, Molydenum, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Selenium, Sulfur, Zinc.

Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine, Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic Acid, Cystine, Glutamine, Glycine, Histidine, Proline, Serine, Tyrosine.

Chlorophyll, Carotenoids, Cytokins, Flavonoids, Omega 3,6 9 oils, Plant Sterols, Polyphenols, Lutein, Xanthins, Rutin and many more.

6.Can Moringa supplements be taken with other prescriptions?
Moringa supplements is a 100% natural product made from the parts of the Moringa tree. People in India are taking Moringa for hundreds of years as a staple food and have not reported any problem since then. However, we suggest you to consult with your Physician whether you can take these supplements along with other prescription medicines.

7.What are known side effects of Moringa?
Dr. Lowell Fuglie, based in Senegal and considered as one of the experts about Moringa says that to date there has not been any known negative side effect even in the daily consumption of Moringa.

8. How do you eat Moringa?
WE eat Moringa in lots of different ways. The leaves of Moringa can be eaten raw, right from the trees, or lightly sauteéd in olive oil, extra-virgin coconut oil, or butter. We add Moringa leaves to just about everything imaginable - pizza, salad, soup, meatloaf, scrambled eggs, quiche, chili, omelettes, dips - you name it! It combines well with garlic, onions, mushrooms, meatless main dishes, chicken in any form, turkey dressing, Kashi, quinoa, amaranth, chia, rice, wild rice - the list is endless. If you want to add Moringa Leaf Powder to your diet, the way we like it the best is in guacamolé, dips, or salad dressing. A lot of our customers put it into a "green drink.
9.What are the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds present in Moringa?
Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B (Choline), Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) , Vitamin B2 (Rivoflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B6, Alanine, Alpha-Carotene, Arginine, Beta-Carotene, Beta-Sitosterol, Caffeoylquinic Acid, Campesterol, Carotenoids, Chlorophyll, Chromium, Delta 5- Avenasterol, Delta 7 Avenasterol, Glutathione, Histidine, Indole Acetic Acid, Indoleacetonitrile, Kaempferal, Leucine, Lutein, Methionine, Myristic-Acid, Palmitic Acid, Prolamine, Proline, Quercitin, Rutin, Selenium, Threonine, Tryptophan, Xanthins, Xanthopyll, Zeatin, Zeaxanthin, Zinc.

Anti- Inflammatory Compounds:
Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Arginine, Beta-Sistosterol, Caffeoylquinic Acid, Calcium, Chlorophyll, Copper, Cystine, Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 9, Fiber, Glutathione, Histidine, Indole Acetic Acid, Indoleacetonitrile, Isoleucine, Kaempferal, leucine, Magnesium, Oleic-Acid, Phenylalanine, Potassium, Quercitin, Rutin, Selenium, Stigmasterol, Sulfur, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Zeatin, Zinc.

There are over 46 antioxidants and 36 anti-inflammatory compounds all naturally occurring in the Moringa plant. That is why it is referred to as the best natural source of anti-oxidants

10.Does Moringa have Anti-Ageing properties?
Moringa is one of the richest sources of antioxidants, with high contents of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and bioflavonoid. Active oxygen radicals steal electrons from normal, healthy biological molecules. This electron theft by active oxygen oxidizes tissue and can cause disease. By supplying the body with these nutrients we can find an effective method to block the oxidation of healthy tissue by active oxygen, then we can attempt to delay the ageing process.

11.How does Moringa act as Detoxifier?
Moringa seeds are well known for its use to purify dirty water. Moringa seeds when mixed with impure water will absorb all the impurities. In the similar process, Moringa attracts the toxins from the blood and removes and excrete toxic build up.

12.What is the best method to take the Moringa powder?
The best way is to mix it with a glass of Orange Juice or any other beverages. A teaspoon of Moringa powder mixed in a glass of Orange juice will give you a wholesome drink filled with Nutrients. It can also be mixed in food and soup preparation.

13.How effective is Moringa?
A lot of research has been done about Moringa and has been part of the daily diet of people around the world because of it’s nutritional and medicinal properties. Moringa has saved millions of lives in poor countries where malnutrition is prevalent because of its high nutritive value. John Hopkins has released a scientific paper regarding some of the medicinal properties of Moringa.

14.Is Moringa all natural?

Yes, our Moringa is 100% natural and is made from pure Moringa Oleifera leaf powder .

Moringa: An Ally in Boosting Immune System Response

The immune system is the body’s first and last line of defense against pathogens and disease; without a well functioning immune system, even the most innocuous bacterial and viral infections could overwhelm physical systems and lead to serious illness or even death. In healthy individuals, the immune system consists of several different layers of protection including the physical barrier of the skin, the innate immune response that reacts to any pathogenic intrusion immediately, and the more specialized adaptive immune response.

Components of the immune system
The adaptive immune response is designed to combat specific pathogens; typically, specialized white blood cells called lymphocytes attack the infection or intrusion. The body produces three types of lymphocytes, known as B cells, T cells and natural killer or NK cells. T cells and B cells are tasked with identifying and responding to specific threats to the body. This process is called antigen representation and allows the cells to produce specific responses to pathogens that the body has previously encountered. NK cells use a slightly different process and can defend against some pathogens to which the individual may not previously have exposed.

Identifying the threats
Healthy immune systems are necessary in order to fend off disease and protect the body against toxins and pathogens. The immune system also reacts to mutations and cancerous growths within the body, typically attacking these cells with cytotoxic granules that contain powerful cell-killing enzymes. In all these cases, the value of the immune system depends on its ability to distinguish between the organism’s own cellular structures and those of external pathogens. One way in which this is achieved is through immunological memory. Vaccinations are effective due to this ability of the immune system to remember and maintain active defenses against previously encountered bacteria and viruses, essentially destroying these pathogens before they can gain a foothold in the body.
 Disorders of the immune system
Perhaps the best known disorder of the immune system is AIDS, but a number of other physical conditions can cause weakening of the immune system that can potentially lead to additional complications. Poor nutrition can cause depressed immune system responses, as can alcoholism and drug abuse. Young children and the elderly are also vulnerable due to a reduced immune capacity and often are more prone to contracting illnesses during these stages of life. A number of natural and pharmaceutical substances are used to boost the body’s ability to fight off disease. The Moringa oleifera plant shows outstanding promise in this regard with significant beneficial effects on the immune processes within the body; a study published in 2007 in the scientific journal Food Chemistry showed that moringa leaves contain powerful antioxidants that can supplement and support the body’s own natural immune functions.
The antioxidant properties of moringa leaves allow the immune system to fight off infections and cancers more effectively, providing the body with a secondary line of defense against pathogens and offering hope to those suffering from reduced immunity due to illness, congenital disorders and other factors. Moringa supplements offer very low risk of side effects, making them a valuable addition to dietary regimens among susceptible populations.

Moringa Oleifera: Powerful Natural Antibiotics to Combat Bacterial Infection

Antibiotics and anti-bacterial drugs are valuable tools in combating infections, both in topical forms and when taken internally. The antimicrobial effects of these powerful medications can be used to treat a wide range of bacterial infections, including pneumonia, tuberculosis, meningitis, strep throat and many other diseases. Over 100 different compounds are classed as antibiotics, such as penicillin, erythromycin, tetracycline and many other major types of anti-bacterial agents. Some antibiotics are more effective against certain bacteria, while others can be used to treat a wider range of bacterial infections. These are sometimes referred to as broad-spectrum antibiotics.

The ancient Greeks and Egyptians used various types of mold to treat certain ailments. These primitive antibiotics provided some protection against the growth of bacteria within wounds or systemic infections. The Ayurvedic folk medicine tradition of India also incorporated the seeds of the Moringa oleifera plant into ointments and poultices to treat infections. It is now known that these seeds contain a natural antibiotic substance known as pterygospermin.
Modern antibiotic medicine has its roots in the 1870s, however, when the effects of antibiotics were first observed and recorded by Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch and others. Alexander Fleming’s experiments with bread mold led to the identification of penicillin, a powerful antibiotic that can be used to combat a wide range of bacteria types. Physicians and health care professionals utilize synthetic, semi-synthetic and naturally-occurring antibiotics, depending on the specific illness to be treated and the needs of the individual patient.

Antibiotics Today
Modern antibiotics are typically divided into two separate classes. Bacteriostatic antibiotics prevent the division and replication of bacteria, thus stalling the infection’s growth and spread. Bactericidal antibiotics, by contrast, work to destroy the bacteria directly and work more quickly as a result. Antibiotics can be further subdivided into various families, including:
  • Cephalosporins – These antibiotics retard and prevent the formation of cell walls in most bacteria, preventing the spread of infection.
  • Glycopeptides – By attacking the cell walls and preventing them from forming or reforming properly, glycopeptides slow the progress of bacteria.
  • Quinolones – The antibiotic action of quinolones prevents the proper genetic replication of bacteria affected by these drugs.
  • Macrolides – While not recommended for use by individuals with liver problems, the macrolide line of antibiotics is typically used to treat tuberculosis, Lyme disease and leprosy.
  • Tetracyclines – One of the most popular families of antibiotics, these medications are used as broad-spectrum anti-bacterial drugs to fight a wide range of infections and diseases.
Additionally, natural antibiotics are available that can provide anti-bacterial benefits to patients suffering from infections.

In some cases, certain classes or families of antibiotics cannot be ingested by patients due to serious allergies. Penicillin allergies are the most common type of antibiotic allergy, with approximately ten percent of all people reporting some degree of allergic response when treated with the drug. The most common reaction is rash or discomfort, but serious allergic reactions are also possible, including anaphylactic shock and even death.

Moringa Seeds
The seeds of the moringa plant include a natural antibiotic that can be used to treat or control infection. Pterygospermin can be used to counter the effects of a number of bacteria responsible for causing infections and also offers an anti-fungal effect for even more utility. Because pterygospermin occurs naturally in moringa seeds, it typically does not carry the same high risk of allergic response as more highly processed antibiotics. Additionally, a study conducted in 1981 and published in Planta Medica identified the presence of benzyl isothiocyanate within the seeds. This compound is also a highly effective antibiotic and can be used to treat bacterial infection, making moringa a valuable medicinal supplement in cases where bacteria may pose a threat to health or human life.

Moringa Leaves: Potent Prevention for Alzheimer's Disease

The Moringa oleifera plant is highly regarded by dieticians and medical researchers and practitioners due to its superior nutritional content and numerous medical applications. The antioxidant properties of the moringa plant have been well established by previous medical studies and are believed to provide protection against the effects of free radicals that can cause aging and other negative health effects. Recent studies suggest that moringa leaves can also provide protection against the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and may even delay its onset.

Alzheimer’s disease
A form of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease is believed to have a genetic component but can strike even those with no family history of the disease. Most cases of Alzheimer’s occur in individuals over 65 years of age, but the disease can strike much earlier in cases of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. As in other types of dementia, the patient experiences confusion, loss of normal brain function, unpredictable or aggressive tendencies and a gradual deterioration of the mental capacities. This degeneration of the nervous system eventually leads to death. While the exact causes of Alzheimer’s disease are not well understood, research studies seem to indicate that the disease is related to the build-up of fibrous protein compounds within the brain known as amyloids. These amyloids present within the brain as plaques or neurofibrillary tangles and are thought to disrupt the normal functioning of neural impulses within the brain.

Because there is no known cure for Alzheimer’s disease, most treatments focus on delaying the progress of the disease and alleviating symptoms. Natural treatments including medical marijuana have produced impressive results in preventing continued degeneration. Other treatments focus on improving the emotional state of the patient and controlling any aggressive or violent tendencies that may occur due to the deteriorating mental condition.

Contributing factors
Although the precise cases of Alzheimer’s disease are not yet known, a number of correlating factors have been identified that may be responsible for triggering or worsening Alzheimer’s in some patients. These factors include the age and gender of the patient, the use of cigarettes and alcohol, genetic factors, congenital conditions including Down’s syndrome and multiple sclerosis, and the overall level of fat intake by the patient. Most of these factors are not directly under the control of the individual at risk for the disease.

Lifestyle changes are often recommended in order to help delay or prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. These include smoking cessation strategies, reduction of alcohol consumption and, especially, a reduction in fat intake. It is in the latter area that moringa leaves have been shown to be most useful in delaying or preventing Alzheimer’s in vulnerable individuals. A study published in the Annals of Neurosciences in 2005 showed a significant improvement in brain function in rats whose diets were supplemented by moringa leaves prior to their exposure to colchicine, a substance that mimics the action of Alzheimer’s in the brain. Despite the presence of this substance, rats retained much of their cognitive abilities and navigated a previously-completed maze far more accurately and quickly than the control group. These results were attributed to the antioxidant properties of moringa leaves, which served to scavenge free radicals from the system and to protect neural function.

Moringa leaves appear to delay or mitigate the effects of Alzheimer’s disease in laboratory rats due to the supplement’s antioxidant effects. The research indicates that moringa supplements may lessen the impact of Alzheimer’s in individuals already suffering from the disease and may delay or prevent its onset in those who are at risk of developing this devastating illness. By incorporating moringa leaf supplements into daily dietary plans, it is likely that most individuals can improve their chances of avoiding the worst effects of Alzheimer’s disease for themselves and their families.

Moringa Leaf Supplements: Guarding Against the Effects of High Cholesterol

The Moringa oleifera plant has long been used in the Ayurvedic medical tradition of India to combat cardiovascular ailments and obesity-related issues. These treatments have proven effective in many cases, but it is only in recent years that the medical establishment has begun to investigate the scientific basis for these beneficial effects. A number of medical studies have shown marked reductions in the levels of bad cholesterol present in the bloodstream of laboratory test animals.
Cholesterol and health
Cholesterol is a necessary element in building and repairing cells within the body. There are two basic types of cholesterol. Low-density and high-density lipoproteins, known as LDLs and HDLs respectively, play very different roles in maintaining physical health. HDLs help to eliminate fatty deposits from the bloodstream, enhancing cardiovascular health and promoting healthy veins and arteries. These forms of cholesterol are typically denser and more compact than their low-density counterparts. LDLs are better known as bad cholesterol and have nearly the opposite effect on the body, causing lipid deposits to form in blood vessels and contributing to heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. White blood cells in the bloodstream attack LDL buildups, causing inflammation and worsening blockages caused by this form of cholesterol.
Potential risks of LDLs
Elevated levels of bad cholesterol in the body are associated with an increased risk of atheroschlerosis and arteriosclerotic vascular disease as well as cardiovascular disease. Additionally, LDLs have been implicated in certain immune system deficiencies, making them a significant threat to health and wellness. Controlling the level of LDLs in the blood and circulatory system is crucial to extending life and improving overall physical condition, especially in largely sedentary or overweight individuals.

The role of diet
Increased intake of LDLs results in higher levels in the bloodstream. However, medical studies show that 80% of cholesterol results from production within the body itself, primarily within the liver during the breakdown of food. While maintaining a healthy, low-fat diet is helpful in reducing cholesterol, dietary changes alone are usually not sufficient to manage bad cholesterol levels effectively.
Moringa and cholesterol
A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2000 showed a significant reduction in the levels of bad cholesterol in laboratory rats when moringa supplements were added to their normal daily diet. This was true in rats fed a high-fat diet as well as a standard diet; the moringa leaves reduced cholesterol levels overall. The control groups were also fed normal and high-fat diets and exhibited no such reductions in LDLs present in blood serum, further confirming the significant effect moringa supplements can produce. These results offer concrete evidence for claims made by Ayurvedic medical personnel for centuries that moringa leaves offer measurable protection against the buildup of bad cholesterol in the blood.
Implications for health care
The results of the Lipid Research Clinics Primary Prevention Trial published in 1984 indicate that overall reduction in cholesterol levels had a direct and measurable effect on the number of new instances of heart disease and angina. In layman’s terms, reducing cholesterol also reduces the chance of serious cardiovascular illness. In fact, reducing the bad cholesterol levels by 25% can produce a correlating reduction in heart attacks, strokes and other cholesterol-related illnesses by as much as 50%, making cholesterol reduction a major goal in achieving improved outcomes for patients who may be predisposed to these conditions. Incorporating moringa supplements into the daily diets of individuals who are statistically likely to experience high cholesterol levels or who may have already been diagnosed with high LDL levels may provide significant protection, especially when combined with other prescription medications.

The evidence that moringa leaf supplements can combat high cholesterol is overwhelming. By incorporating these natural supplements into a healthy daily dietary plan, individuals can protect themselves against the effects of high cholesterol levels more effectively even in the absence of other major lifestyle changes.

Moringa & Menopause

Menopause is a crucial stage in every woman's life. Though it is a painful stage, they can overcome the symptoms of menopause with the help of proper nutrients. A well balanced nutritional supplement is essential during the menopause, as it enables the body to adjust automatically to the hormonal changes, naturally maintaining Oestrogen from the adrenal glands and fat deposits.
During Menopause, the body needs extra Iron and Calcium to compensate for the blood bleeding. Because of the irregular blood flow and hormonal changes, women feel tired and at times stressful. Moringa leaf Powder, with 17 times more calcium than that of Milk and 10 times more Vitamin A than that of Carrots, helps to alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
The high Vitamin C content of Moringa  is known for its effect on the immune system and it also strengthens the blood vessels. The Bio-flavonoids such as Quercetin, present in Moringa Leaf powder, is believed to reduce the hot flushes. The high Vitamin E content, present in Moringa, is also helpful for Vaginal dryness and one study showed that just 400IU of Vitamin E taken per day for between 1 and 4 months helped women.

Moringa For Diabetes Relief

If you are a person who lives with any type of diabetes, you are no doubt looking for ways to naturally lessen its effects on your lifestyle. While no two people experience diabetes in exactly the same way, there are natural supplements that many people with diabetes can benefit from. Moringa oleifera is one such supplement.
Diabetes is a group of diseases that are signified by high amounts of blood sugar in the body. This can happen because the body does not produce sufficient amounts of insulin or because the insulin does not trigger a response from the body’s cells.
Because blood sugar is a central issue in diabetes, many people who live with diabetes choose to modify their diets to avoid large spikes in blood sugar. This may include not eating sugar, avoiding large servings of fruits, grains and starches, and also switching over to a high fat diet. Depending more on fats for energy allows people who live with diabetes to consume the energy they need without worrying about overloading their systems with high levels of blood sugar.
Of course, not all fats are created equal. As most diabetics are well aware, the healthiest fats usually have high percentages of oleic acid. Oleic acid is an Omega-9 fatty acid that has been noted for its ability to – among other important things – help reduce the body’s resistance to insulin and thus help regulate levels of blood sugar. Oleic acid is the main ingredient in olive oil, which contains about 75% oleic acid and is the most widely available source of oleic acid.
Using oils with high levels of oleic acid is important for any healthy diet, but it is particularly important for people who live with diabetes. High fat diets that are rich with oleic acid are an important natural strategy for combating diabetes without using drugs or relying heavily on insulin.
The leaves of the moringa oleifera tree contain readily available oleic acid. As with all of the other wonderful ingredients packed into moringa leaves, this oleic acid is not processed or synthesized in any way, making it readily available for immediate absorption by the body.

In addition to containing high levels of oleic acid, moringa oleifera leaves are full of other important nutrients that also aid in combating diabetes. If you do not know about the amazingly rich nutrient density of moringa oleifera, you will be pleasantly surprised to learn that there is quite literally no plant species on earth with a more densely packed profile of nutrients. Moringa oleifera is a true superfood full of beneficial nutrients that are important to anyone who lives with diabetes.
Diabetes retinopathy, or damage to the eyes from prolonged diabetes, occurs in approximately 40% of all Americans who are diagnosed with diabetes. This can lead to loss of vision and blindness over time. Moringa oleifera contains healthy amounts of Vitamin A – much more than carrots per serving – which has been shown to build the strength of the cornea, stop eye inflammation, and decrease the risk of macular degeneration.
Vitamin C is important for proper production and regulation of insulin. A deficiency in Vitamin C has been shown to adversely affect the ability of the pancreas to secrete insulin, which contributes to higher levels of blood sugar. Moringa contains high levels of Vitamin C – more per serving than orange juice – which helps the pancreas secrete insulin at a normal level.
Other vitamins and minerals have also been shown to help in the production and regulation of insulin, both in the pancreas and elsewhere around the body. For example, Vitamin E has been shown in several studies to decrease the risk of developing diabetes. A powerful antioxidant, Vitamin E makes it easier for the body to transport and manage insulin throughout the body by improving the integrity of cell membranes. Rich with Vitamin E – and more than 40 other powerful antioxidants – moringa can help to improve your body’s management and regulation of blood sugar on a cellular level and provide you with a full spectrum of nutrients to balance the effects of diabetes.

Moringa Leaf

The leaves of the Moringa oleifera plant have been used as food and in medicinal preparations for centuries. Modern medical research also bears out the value of these versatile leaves, making them a valuable natural resource for a wide range of uses in the medical and nutritional field. Because the Moringa plant can be grown in climates where other food plants might struggle, including semi-arid and tropical areas, its leaves can serve as a nutritional supplement to people in regions where naturally occurring food sources are scarce. The Moringa plant can also survive on very little water; a definite advantage in many areas where desertification and climate change are creating widespread malnutrition among the inhabitants.

Nutritional value
Moringa leaves are especially useful in combating hunger since they can be dried and transported easily and provide much needed protein and Vitamin C, along with numerous other nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The leaves are particularly useful for infants, young children and nursing mothers, since they contain significant amounts of calcium, proteins and other vital elements for growth and healthy development. Where fresh Moringa leaves are available, they are typically cooked in a similar way to spinach or other greens, and served as a side dish with other foods or as a nutritive main course. They can also be used raw as a salad green and combined with other leafy vegetables or grains. Dried leaves are usually sprinkled on other foods to increase their nutritional value or taken in supplement form or in a steeped tea, though the latter may lose some of the food value if the leaves are not also consumed with the drink.

Traditional Ayurvedic uses for the moringa leaf
Ayurveda is the most commonly practiced form of traditional medicine in India. Practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine incorporate the Moringa leaf into many of their healing techniques.
The moringa leaf has been used in Ayurveda to treat:
  • Gastrointestinal upsets including ulcers and diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Inflammation
  • Anemia
  • Fever
  • Minor respiratory difficulties
  • Eye infections
  • Poor nutrition
  • Bronchitis
  • Inner ear infections
  • Skin infections when used as a topical application

Modern medical uses
A number of peer-reviewed research studies provide support for the use of Moringa leaves in therapeutic applications. The Moringa leaf contains powerful antioxidants that have proven their effectiveness against cancer cells in the laboratory environment; additionally, Moringa leaves increase milk production and the nutritional value of the milk in nursing mothers. Moringa leaves are also used therapeutically to treat high blood pressure with good results.

Other uses for moringa leaves
Moringa leaves have been used as food for stock animals and even in fishery applications in order to provide more nutrition. The high protein content of the Moringa leaf helps animals to grow more quickly, and Moringa leaves are far cheaper than most other sources of protein for fish and farm animals. Moringa leaves have also shown great promise in enhancing the growth of other plants; an extract of the leaves diluted in ethanol can increase the sturdiness of the plant as well as the number and size of the fruit produced, enhancing the overall harvest and improving the productivity of agricultural endeavors.
The potential value of Moringa leaves in diet and agriculture cannot be overestimated. The leaves of the Moringa plant offer a wide range of health and nutritional benefits while providing solid results for a number of other agricultural and livestock activities.

Moringa Oleifera: Preserving Liver Function

The Moringa oleifera plant has been identified as an extremely useful medicinal plant with significant health benefits. Scientific studies have shown that moringa supplements can reduce damage to the liver caused by prescription and over-the-counter medications and, in some cases, may even repair the damage and protect against further injury to the liver from illness or the use of prescription and nonprescription drugs. The therapeutic effects of moringa supplements are still being investigated, but medical research has already proven several beneficial effects of this versatile herb in treating and protecting against liver dysfunction in sensitive patients.

Liver disease
Dysfunction of the liver can cause fluctuations in blood sugar, nervous disorders, and digestive problems and, in advanced cases, the buildup of toxins within the body that can prove damaging or fatal. Alcoholism, drug abuse, long-term prescription drug use, overdose and certain diseases can cause liver dysfunction, especially in sensitive individuals. Patients with advanced liver disease typically must maintain a strict diet and may require dialysis in order to purify the blood and provide the filtering function typically performed by the liver. In some cases, moringa supplements may help to reduce and reverse the effects of liver disease and restore improved functioning to the liver, allowing it to more effectively filter toxins from the body.

Moringa and antitubercular drugs
The drugs used to treat tuberculosis can cause significant liver damage in patients, in part due to the toxic properties of these drugs. A research study published in 2003 in the Journal of Medicinal Food outlined the protective effects of moringa supplements in preventing serious liver damage in vulnerable patients. The antioxidant properties of the moringa plant helped to flush these toxic chemicals from the liver before they caused serious damage, thus protecting the health of the patient without compromising the effectiveness of the course of treatment.
Moringa and acetaminophen overdose
A study published in the August 2008 issue of Food and Chemical Toxicology indicated that moringa supplements offered significant protection against acetaminophen overdose and resulting liver damage in laboratory rats. The rats were fed moringa supplements in controlled doses before being administered a single overdose of acetaminophen. The supplements prevented a decrease in the level of glutathione, a necessary antioxidant compound that helps the liver process toxins and eliminate them from the body. By allowing the liver to maintain adequate levels of glutathione even when an overdose of acetaminophen was administered, moringa supplements provided solid protection against the negative effects and potential liver damage that typically results from such an overdose.
Liver fibrosis
In January 2010, Food and Chemical Toxicology published a study that described the healing properties of moringa seed extract in cases of liver fibrosis. The researchers administered carbon tetrachloride to laboratory rats over the course of eight weeks in order to induce liver fibrosis, one of the most serious symptoms of advanced chronic liver disease. Liver fibrosis is caused by the buildup of proteins and collagens within the liver that reduce its ability to function; the disease typically requires dialysis or liver transplantation in its advanced stages. The research study showed significant reduction in the levels of collagens and proteins present in the liver over the course of the moringa treatments. Previously, medical researchers had believed that the course of liver fibrosis could only be slowed, not reversed. This study appears to present evidence to the contrary and provides new hope for patients suffering from advanced stages of liver fibrosis.
Moringa and arsenic poisoning
Arsenic is one of the most common pollutants in water supplies and can cause serious health problems if ingested in larger quantities. Moringa supplements have been proven to offer some protection against the damage caused by arsenic in the water supply; a study published in Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica – Drug Research showed that Moringa oleifera extracts protected the body against the worst effects of exposure to arsenic and helped eliminate the substance from the body more efficiently.

HIV and AIDS: Moringa's Role In Treatment

One of the most feared and least understood diseases, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a degenerative illness that affects the immune system and is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, more commonly referred to as the HIV virus. AIDS is spread through fluid exchange and can be transmitted through sexual acts, shared medical syringes, breastfeeding, transfusions and other activities that allow bodily fluids to be introduced into the bloodstream. No vaccine or cure is available for HIV or AIDS, but a number of treatments can lessen the symptoms and extend the lives of patients infected with the disease.
The first known cases of AIDS were identified by the Center for Disease Control in 1981 in Los Angeles, California. The HIV virus had been reported in the Congo two decades earlier. A close genetic relative of the simian immunodeficiency virus found in African monkey populations, HIV is believed to have made the jump from chimpanzees to humans sometime in the early 1900s. This mutation allowed the HIV virus to infect humans and to be passed readily from person to person. Once exposed, individuals who carry the HIV virus are considered to be HIV-positive and are at significant risk of developing AIDS. Not all individuals who test positive for HIV will contract AIDS; it is not well understood what allows some HIV-positive persons to avoid developing the disease.
Complications of AIDS
The suppression of the immune system produced by AIDS can cause a number of other ailments, many of which can prove debilitating or fatal. In poorer nations, tuberculosis is one of the most common side effects of AIDS, while candidiasis, Karposi’s sarcoma and cryptococcal meningitis affect AIDS sufferers worldwide. Two of the most damaging complications are the characteristic wasting of body tissues and musculature and the deterioration of the patient’s mental state into AIDS dementia complex as the disease progresses. These illnesses are related to the failure of the immune system rather than direct results of the HIV virus or AIDS itself and are typically referred to as opportunistic infections since they take advantage of the body’s weakened immune system.
There is no cure for AIDS, but a number of antiretroviral drugs offer significant protection against the opportunistic infections characteristic of the syndrome. These antiretroviral drugs are divided into five separate groups:

  • Nucleoside and nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors
  • Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
  • Protease inhibitors
  • Entry inhibitors
  • Integrase inhibitors
These drugs act in concert with each other to prevent the HIV virus from replicating and inserting copies of itself into other cells, thus slowing the spread of the disease and reducing its effects on the immune system. Antioxidants have also proven helpful both before and after the onset of AIDS symptoms in boosting the immune system, while proper nutrition is essential to maintain health in HIV-positive patients.

The role of moringa powder in treating HIV and AIDS
Moringa oleifera is a versatile, highly nutritious plant that grows in a wide range of climates and can survive for extended periods in dry, near-drought conditions. Moringa leaves contain powerful antioxidants that can help prevent or delay some of the worst complications arising from AIDS. The proceedings of the 14th International AIDS Conference held in Barcelona, Spain in 2002 included a recommendation that moringa powder be considered as an alternative treatment to boost the immune systems of HIV-positive patients in Africa. Because moringa also provides superior nutritional value for patients it can also prove useful in preventing immune system breakdown due to malnutrition, thus offering even more help for poorer areas in Africa and around the globe. While moringa's antioxidant and nutritional benefits cannot directly compete with the superior results of modern antiretrovirals, it shows promise in providing reduced mortality rates and improved health for HIV-positive and AIDS patients in these less developed areas.

Relief for Gastric Ulcers Through the Use of Moringa Leaf Supplements

Gastric ulcers are one of the most painful and debilitating forms of digestive system disorders. Also known as peptic ulcers, these inflammations and irritations of the stomach wall can cause painful symptoms and serious complications in affected individuals. The most common signs of gastric ulcer include pain before or after eating, heartburn, nausea, bloating and vomiting blood. In serious or advanced cases gastric ulcers can lead to perforation of the stomach wall that can in turn lead to acute peritonitis, a potentially life-threatening condition. The bleeding that usually occurs with gastric ulcers can cause significant blood loss that can create a health risk even in the absence of other complicating factors.

Causes of gastric ulcer
Most cases of gastric ulcer are caused by a breakdown in the immune system that allows Helicobacter pylori bacteria to infect the stomach, leading to severe inflammation and breaks in the tissue lining the stomach walls. Essentially the buildup of these bacteria within the stomach causes interference with the normal production and regulation of gastric acids, creating excessive acid that eats away at the stomach wall lining over time. Other contributing factors include changes in the blood chemistry that affect the acid resistance of the stomach, dietary choices, drinking and smoking and cancerous growths in the stomach. Stress can also cause gastric ulcers, either alone or in combination with the other factors.

Gastric ulcers are usually diagnosed based on the patient’s reported symptoms. In some cases, however, specialized X-ray and scanning procedures are necessary in order to ascertain the presence of gastric ulcers. These diagnostic aids include barium contrast X-rays and endoscopic assessment. While some physicians perform tests to detect the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the bloodstream, this is usually less than effective because the tests cannot distinguish between past build-ups and current conditions within the body. Breath tests, biopsies and stool samples can all be used to verify a diagnosis of gastric ulcer depending on the patient and the severity of the condition.

Complications of gastric ulcers
Left untreated, gastric ulcers typically progress and worsen. This typically leads to heavier bleeding that can cause significant issues due to blood loss and drainage into the stomach cavity. Major scarring can occur as well as perforation of the stomach wall and the attendant peritonitis that can cause even more serious infections and potentially could cause death in some vulnerable patients.

Moringa Oleifera as Anti-Inflammatory Treatment
In most cases, inflammation is the body’s response to another process rather than a disease or illness in its own right. Inflammation is a result of the body’s own natural immune response and is usually caused by the increased presence of plasma and white blood cells in the affected area. This response involves the vascular systems as well as the autoimmune response and is a necessary part of the healing process, but can cause serious problems when the inflammation becomes chronic or is extreme in its duration or extent. Inflammation is usually categorized as either acute or chronic and treatment for the condition is dependent in part on the cause of the inflammation and its acute or chronic status.

There are five main symptoms of inflammation. These occur in both chronic and acute cases and are distinguishing characteristics of the condition. Not all symptoms are present in all cases of inflammation. The five primary symptoms are:
• Heat
• Redness
• Pain
• Reduced function
• Swelling

In most cases of inflammation, pain, swelling and reduced function are the most important symptoms and create the most difficulties for patients with the condition.

Acute inflammation
Typically, acute inflammation is the result of an injury or pathogenic substance that affects the body negatively. In these cases, the movement of white blood cells and plasma to the affected site or to combat the substance in the bloodstream is a necessary part of the immune system response to infection and injury. While medications are available to reduce the swelling and inflammation caused by the body’s reaction to pathogens or injuries, they typically are intended to reduce the pain and not to eliminate the inflammation caused by this helpful and necessary immune response.

Chronic inflammation
In some cases the body’s reaction to pathogens or other stimuli is far more extreme and prolonged than necessary. This is especially true in cases where the pathogens cannot be eliminated by the immune system or in cases where another factor is preventing the immune response from fully addressing the infection or combating the injury. Arthritis, atherosclerosis and diverticulitis are among the most common types of chronic inflammatory diseases. These illnesses can potentially be serious or life-threatening if the inflammation is not properly controlled and treated. The effects of chronic inflammation typically are of long duration and become worse over time if left untreated.

Moringa and inflammation
The moringa plant is well known for its therapeutic effects in both modern medicine and traditional practice. Formally known as Moringa oleifera, this versatile and nutritious plant is currently the subject of intense scrutiny by the medical establishment to determine its utility in treating and preventing a variety of diseases. One of the most promising uses for moringa extract is in the treatment of various types of acute and chronic inflammation. A 1996 research study published in Pharmaceutical Biology demonstrated the anti-inflammatory properties of moringa extract in the treatment of both acute and chronic forms of inflammation. The moringa extract was ingested by laboratory rats as a treatment for both edema and carrageenan-induced inflammation; while the results for the acute inflammation were markedly better than those obtained for the chronic variety, both types of inflammation were significantly reduced by the treatments in the course of the study. Side effects were minimal due to the exceptionally low toxicity of moringa even at high dosages.

Moringa extract supplements have been shown to reduce the level of inflammation in laboratory animals in both chronic and acute cases. Further studies are currently underway to assess the effectiveness of this treatment, but it can be safely assumed that a regular regimen of moringa supplements may produce safe, reliable reductions in inflammation for most individuals with chronic inflammatory diseases. Research found that the Moringa leaves posses substances that have antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities, in fact they found that it has high quantities of this substances. This means that Moringa Oleifera use in Indian traditional medicine as a treatment of ailments, particularly those related to pain and inflammation was just.
The effects of the Moringa is suppressing the COX-2enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for inflammation processes and pain. Usually the drugs used to suppress this enzyme are NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs),such as Voltaren, Nksin, Adoil, ARCOXIA, Kaspo etc. The side effects of these products include risk for stroke, kidney problems, blood vessels problems, stomach problems and the list goes on. Combine the risks from the side effects with the existing condition causing the need to take the NSAID and the the presence of pain combined with an inflammatory issue, and the risk for medical complication grows.
Moringa Oleifera is a pure natural tree that has been used as food and as medicine along history, this means that it is much safer to use than NSAID but with similar effectiveness and less toxicity

Moringa and Cancer

Moringa oleifera has been a staple ingredient in the preparation of herbal remedies for hundreds of years, dating back to ancient Ayurvedic medicine in India. Moringa’s spread from out of India into other parts of Asia, Africa, and South America have drawn scientists and researchers to study the moringa tree in detail to learn more about its anti-carcinogenic properties. In recent years, researchers have explored Moringa oleifera for a number of important anti-carcinogenic properties.
Not surprisingly, modern science has confirmed the effectiveness of moringa as an anti-cancer plant, just is it has been used for centuries by native cultures.
Moringa's powerful combination of anti-cancer nutrients include:
  Vitamins
  Minerals
  Complete Proteins
  Powerful Antioxidants
Moringa oleifera is rich with powerful antioxidants which serve the body’s health by eliminating free radicals, cancer-causing substances that build up in the body and lead to the onset of carcinogenic growth. Unlike most other foods rich in antioxidants, Moringa oleifera contains a uniquely powerful combination of antioxidants, which work together to make moringa one of nature's most potent antioxidant sources.
In fact, Moringa’s dense antioxidant profile is on par or superior to the best sources of antioxidants found in nature, including green teas, wild berries, and other recognized superfoods.

Moringa has been demonstrated to be an affective antibiotic against harmful bacteria, some of which are known carcinogens. Many people do not know that certain bacteria and viruses are considered carcinogenic, but the World Health Organization has listed many bacterial and viral strains on their list of known cancer-causing agents.
Helicobacter pylori, for example, is a bacterium that lives in the digestive tract and is a large problem in underdeveloped countries around the world. The unique combination of anti-cancer compounds found in moringa oleifera have been demonstrated to effectively fight against H. pylori in low concentrations.
Moringa has also been shown to be effective against Burkitt’s lymphoma, a lymphatic cancer that is highly prevalent in people with HIV and AIDS. A clinical study demonstrated that compounds found in moringa oleifera inhibited the activation of Burkitt’s lymphoma cells.
Further controlled investigation demonstrated that moringa dramatically reduced the prevalence of skin papillomas, also known as skin tags, which can become malignant in some cases when not treated.
Another important report published in the Medical Journal Authors and Disclosures explains the effectiveness of moringa oleifera as a source of strong anti-cancer compounds for female reproductive disorders, including ovarian cancer. The authors state that among the most common medicinal plants used in India, only the compounds found in moringa oleifera have been proven effective against a variety of cancers, which, according to the report, also include the pancreas, lung, esophagus, and breast.
Further studies have also shown that the compounds found in moringa oleifera are effective against preventing the cancer-causing effects of certain compounds that enter the body. Niazimicin, a compound found in the leaves of the moringa tree, blocks the carcinogenic effects of cancer-causing chemicals.
Moringa oleifera's uniquely potent combination of nutrients offer the human body a powerful, natural, anti-cancer boost. Moringa's high nutrient absorption rate gives the body the vitamins and minerals required to keep the immune system functioning properly. And Moringa's over 40 antioxidant compounds rid the body of harmful cancer-causing substances.

As modern medicine continues to study the compounds found in moringa oleifera, evidence continues to build which confirms India’s centuries-old tradition of using moringa oleifera against cancer, as well as many other common ailments. The World Health Organization, National Institutes of Health, and many peer-reviewed medical journals have published information pointing to moringa as a promising natural anti-carcinogenic. This body of information will undoubtedly continue to grow with the rising awareness of moringa’s important role as a nutritive and therapeutic plant species.

Moringa & Weight Loss

Obesity is a physical state that causes anxiety and may give rise to diseases like high blood pressure, osteoarthritis and diabetes. It adversely affects a person's efficiency and sometimes psychological disorders are also likely. Being overweight is a common condition, especially where food supplies are plentiful and lifestyles are sedentary. Weight loss, as per medicine or health or physical fitness, is a reduction of the total body weight due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue and/or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon and other connective tissue. Moringaaids in the weight loss it also provides all the essential nutrients to our body.
A large number of medical conditions have been associated with obesity. Health consequences are categorised as being the result of either increased fat mass or increased number of fat cells. So reducing the weight and to keep the body fit the excess fat is burnt off. Moringa tea helps the body get loss its weight in a healthy way.
Moringa, is a vegetable tree belonging to the family Moringaceae, and is found across the globe. Popular literature and recent medical findings have it that those vital vitamins as Vitamin C, iron, potassium, protein, and beta carotene are present in the leaves of this highly beneficial vegetable. The Moringa plant has a wealth of naturally occurring nutrients along with vitamins, minerals, protein, also contains essential amino acids, chlorophyll, omega-3 oils, and other important phytonutrients.
This vegetable tree is known to contain fifteen times the potassium in banana, seventeen times the calcium in milk, four times the vitamin A found in carrot, twenty five times the iron in spinach and one-half times the vitamin C in oranges. Encapsulated food supplements made from powdered Moringa leaves are now becoming popular as well, and which are now commercially available.
Just two teaspoons contains all the vitamins and minerals required each day, together with much of the daily requirements of protein, iron and calcium. A combination of antioxidants is more effective than a single antioxidant on an equal weight basis due to antioxidant cascade mechanism. Daily intake of Moringa will provide the antioxidant daily which in turn keeps the body healthy by preventing the adverse effect caused due to fat deposition.

Moringa For Breastfeeding Mothers

After bringing a baby into the world, then comes nourishing it to grow and survive. The period of lactation is brief and it is special in a woman's lifetime. It can be measured as additional thing for pride. This phase requires breastfeeding mother to take extra care to ensure that she can produce and provide abundant high quality milk for her infant.
Human milk is the ideal food for infants. The mother should focus on the diet she will consume in order to produce nutritious milk for infant's consumption. Sometimes, the adequacy of diet is the measure to produce substantive quality milk. It does not take expensive foods to say that an adequate diet for lactating mother is attained. There are numerous plants around that are good source of substantive diet. Poorly nourished mothers can produce less milk. The right amount of milk should be the major consideration of proper nutrition.
A nursing mother produces an average of 23 to 27 ounces of milk a day. Per quart, it contains 330 milligrams of calcium. At least 500 calories per day is required extra energy expenditure. Therefore, good nutrition is equally important for both you and the baby. The breast milk quality can be affected in extreme cases of food deprivation. These are experienced by lactating mothers in Africa and in some countries of Asia where food is scarce and poverty is rampant.
At present, the World Health Organization (WHO) is undertaking measures to combat malnutrition and famine. With government and non-government organizations, they are encouraging famished countries for massive cultivation of Moringa Oleifera. This plant is a good source of nutrition.

Lactating mothers are advised to eat young Moringa Oleifera leaves to enhance milk production. The leaves have the capacity to bring comfort to digestion, constipation, hysteria and stomach spasms. An extract from the leaf can be applied to the abdomen and is taken to get rid of intestinal worms. The extract mixed with honey is use to heal sore eyes and bruises.
Moringa Oleifera is a tree that has small droplets of leaves. It grows to the height of 8 meters. The droplet-like leaves of moringa is good source of needed breast milk quality. Moringa contains more calcium and Vitamin A, B, and C as other leafy vegetables. Nutritionist says that a 200 milligram of fresh Moringa leaves is equal to the nutrition of four eggs and two grams of milk. Seventy five calories of food energy, 60 grams of protein, and 13 grams of carbohydrates and 353 milligrams of calcium is what a hundred grams of Moringa Oleifera can produce. Minerals such as niacin, thiamine, phosphorous and ascorbic acid are more on moringa than any other vegetables. It has iron compound, too, that can prevent anemia.
Increase your daily nutritional intakes that may deem helpful for you and your baby's daily needs. You can eat more moringa in a day and be the recipient of a good and quality lactating mother's capacity.

 Moringa Oleifera as Treatment for Arthritis & Gout
For many centuries Moringa Oleifera was used in traditional medicine, such as the "Ayurveda", as a treatment Arthritis and Gout. It was believed that Moringa Leaf Powder reduce inflammations and pain caused by these conditions.

In 2008 the Faculty of Medicine Health Sciences of the Putra University in Malaysia, published a research aimed to test if Moringa poses any Antinociceptive and Anti-Inflammatory activities, the same activities achieved by the drugs used in modern medicine such as NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). The research found that the Moringa leaves posses substances that have antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activitie; in fact they found that it has high quantities of these substances. This means that Moringa Oleifera use in Indian traditional medicine as a treatment Arthritis and Gout was just.

The effects of the Moringa is suppressing the COX-2 enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for inflammation processes and pain. Usually the drugs used to suppress this enzyme are NSAID such as Voltaren, Nksin, Adoil, ARCOXIA, Kaspo etc. The side effects of these products include risk for stroke, kidney problems, blood vessels problems, stomach problems and the list goes on. Combine the risks from the side effects with the existing condition causing the need to take the NSAID and the presence of pain combined with an inflammatory issue, and the risks for medical complications grow.
Moringa Oleifera in pure natural tree that has been used as food and as medicine along history, this means that it is much safer to use than NSAID but with similar effectiveness and less toxicity.

Hypertension and Moringa: A Comprehensive Treatment for High Blood Pressure

The role of the Moringa oleifera plant in treating high blood pressure has long been known to practitioners of Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India and the surrounding areas. Recent scientific studies have provided solid evidence that moringa supplements can indeed reduce high blood pressure in patients and provide benefits to overall cardiovascular health as well. By maintaining a healthy blood pressure reading, patients can often reduce their risk of serious medical problems and improve their overall long-term prognosis.
High blood pressure
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a condition in which the blood in arteries and veins exerts higher than normal pressure on the walls of these blood vessels. Over time, high blood pressure can cause a variety of negative effects within the body including coronary disorders, stroke, kidney failure and heart attacks. A number of pharmaceutical treatments for hypertension are available, but most have serious side effects of their own and may not be effective in all cases. Left untreated, high blood pressure hastens the deterioration of the circulatory system and can cause serious illness or death. Primary hypertension is diagnosed when no underlying cause for the condition can be identified, while secondary hypertension is typically the result of another disease or disorder.
Symptoms of hypertension
Hypertension is estimated to affect 25% of the population, yet in many cases it produces no symptoms and may go unnoticed for years before the negative effects of this condition become evident. Risk factors for high blood pressure include age, obesity, alcoholism, smoking and genetic predisposition. In advanced or extreme cases of hypertension, patients may experience headaches, chest pain, vision problems, fatigue, irregular heartbeat or blood in the urine. In up to one-third of cases, patients experienced no symptoms at all before diagnosis. High blood pressure is usually diagnosed through a simple test in a doctor’s office and can be performed at home using a cuff and meter.

Moringa & Acne

Acne has many causes including:
  • Hormones
  • Diet
  • Use of Makeup
  • Harsh skin care products
  • Environment
  • Certain medications
Moringa is bursting with nutrients that nourish your body and replenish its deficiencies. It contains antioxidants, which help guard the body against aging and diseases that are caused by the body's aging process. The anti-inflammatory properties of the Moringa plant that help your body fight off age-related diseases can also fight the causes of acne from the inside out.
Moringa contains all nine of the essential amino acids that your body needs every day to operate at its best. It is also rich in Omega 3, 6 and nine oils which are great for your skin and hair. The high levels of Chlorophyll found in the Moringa plant help to balance the body's pH levels.
Moringa contains high levels of both vitamin A and Vitamin C, both of which have been shown to be beneficial in curing acne.
Other skin benefits of taking Moringa include its ability to:

  • Acne and Rashes
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
Acne has many causes, but taking Moringa is a great way to treat some of the root causes of the skin condition so that you will once again have smooth, nourished skin that is healthy from the inside out. Eating a healthy diet that is low in refined sugars, fried foods and salt and high in vegetables and fruits, drinking lots of clean, fresh water and taking Moringa is a natural for clearing up acne.