During 2004 I registered a company and a logo after having a vision. it is now seven years later and Intaka Ezimbili is established and have a couple of projects under the belt.
Earlier this year (2011) my wife Monica came home and was very excited. She discovered a plant that could help us building on our dream. Our dream is and always was to try and uplift rural communities specifically in Kwa Zulu Natal.
We bought property in Utrecht, where Monica hails from, and were never really able to make our dreams come true. Yes, we did welfare work and yes, we supported several children through school. We simply did not have the means to do more.
I am recuperating from a long spell of ill health and it affected our finances negatively. My vision became my dream and my dream became my goal and I never let go of it. I struggled on irrespectively and ignored sniggles and disbelief.
Now finally we have a product that can help us achieve our life ambition. It is a gift from nature and has been around through the ages. Suddenly things started happening. Monica contacted and met with influential people from all over the globe. Doors opened for us and we found ways to make things happen.
So I proudly introduce to you "Little Big Bird" , the child of Two Sparrows:
100 % Natural Moringa Capsules |
Moringa powder |
In South Africa, the iLembe District Municipality is working with Dr. Samason Tesfay of the University of KwaZulu-Natal to start a plantation project for moringa oleifera. The plan is to use emerging small-scale farmers to harvest the pods for biodiesel. The plant has many uses, with other parts of the tree used for relieving malnutrition in nursing mothers and babies, water treatment, and may have antioxidant values as well. frm BiofuelsDigest.
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Moringa for sleep and relaxation
Moringa acts as a great natural sleeping aid because it contains the unique natural compound known as Nebedaye, which can be found in the leaves. Nebedaye sets several of the body’s key conditions for a fitful night’s rest. It lowers our blood sugar levels, soothes our digestive system, and has a depressive effect on our central nervous system, acting as a muscle relaxant. When our muscles relax, it not only dissipates our tension, but also results in less constriction of our blood vessels. This results in lower blood pressure, which also helps to make sleep that much more restful. Moringa also helps you stay asleep for much longer. In one scientific study, it was shown that subject who consumed moringa could stay asleep for up to twice as long as subjects that did not consume any moringa. This makes it useful for those people who wish to stay in a long blissful slumber. On the other hand, the enhanced relaxation and deeper sleep will allow people with a limited number of allotted sleeping hours to awaken more refreshed and energized than they normally would. Moringa’s ability to relax muscles can come in handy not just for people looking for a good night’s sleep, but for those who are suffering from muscle pains and spasms as well. This can be especially beneficial for athletes, people recovering from injuries, and those who suffer from certain muscular conditions. These properties also help make moringa a safe and effective diuretic.
Moringa and Pregnancy
Moringa and Mental Health
You can find research at the following link, about Moringa and Mental health
Moringa for sleep and relaxation
Moringa acts as a great natural sleeping aid because it contains the unique natural compound known as Nebedaye, which can be found in the leaves. Nebedaye sets several of the body’s key conditions for a fitful night’s rest. It lowers our blood sugar levels, soothes our digestive system, and has a depressive effect on our central nervous system, acting as a muscle relaxant. When our muscles relax, it not only dissipates our tension, but also results in less constriction of our blood vessels. This results in lower blood pressure, which also helps to make sleep that much more restful. Moringa also helps you stay asleep for much longer. In one scientific study, it was shown that subject who consumed moringa could stay asleep for up to twice as long as subjects that did not consume any moringa. This makes it useful for those people who wish to stay in a long blissful slumber. On the other hand, the enhanced relaxation and deeper sleep will allow people with a limited number of allotted sleeping hours to awaken more refreshed and energized than they normally would. Moringa’s ability to relax muscles can come in handy not just for people looking for a good night’s sleep, but for those who are suffering from muscle pains and spasms as well. This can be especially beneficial for athletes, people recovering from injuries, and those who suffer from certain muscular conditions. These properties also help make moringa a safe and effective diuretic.
Moringa and Pregnancy
It is known that good nutrition before pregnancy is important because of the amount of “resources” childbirth requires. The process of pre-pregnancy nutrition is a process of “building up” the immune system in preparation of pregnancy, and is known as being one of the major factors in determining the success rate of conceiving healthy children. Moringa Powder has been used to combat malnutrition, especially among infants and nursing mothers. Having a well balanced diet during pregnancy is extremely important, as the diet is going to be directly related to the health of the fetus.
Thus, Moringa supplementation is essential to get the right amounts of vitamins and minerals, as well as other nutrients. All the pregnant women today are more conscious about their health during gestation yet their nutritional intake becomes less as they are prone to cravings, sickness, and lack of energy, which makes preparing the right foods even harder. So the need for the extra nutrient is increasing which becomes more effective when the intake is in the form of natural supplement. Pregnant women need more iron to make more hemoglobin for all that additional blood. They also need extra iron for their growing baby.
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